The IntEMD Lab. at DUT focused on intelligent equipment and smart medical devices for various fields with
(1) Digital Twins with Novel Sensing System
(2) Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization
(3) Medical Device Design and Manufacturing
(4) Neuro biomechanics
For the intelligent equipment field, we investigate the theory and technology in multi-sensor fusion and mechanics modeling toward the next-generation technology of digital twins in aerospace and industry applications.
For the intelligent medical device field, we study the basic neuromusculoskeletal mechanisms of coordinated movement of humans by applying neurobiochemical modeling and electrophysiological signal processing. Our goal is to develop neuromusculoskeletal digital twin and offer a powerful tool for precision medicine of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders.
本次会议由国际制造领域的权威机构-国际生产工程研究院-CIRP主办,每年召开两次例会。其中,夏季例会主要讨论本年度国际制造领域的最新进展并对今后3年CIRP Keynote paper进行规划。
会议邀请院士、协会领导及知名专家学者作大会主题报告 实验室智能装备小组前往参会