About LAB

  The IntEMD Lab. at DUT focused on intelligent equipment and smart medical devices for various fields with
  (1) Digital Twins with Novel Sensing System
  (2) Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization
  (3) Medical Device Design and Manufacturing
  (4) Neuro biomechanics
  For the intelligent equipment field, we investigate the theory and technology in multi-sensor fusion and mechanics modeling toward the next-generation technology of digital twins in aerospace and industry applications.
  For the intelligent medical device field, we study the basic neuromusculoskeletal mechanisms of coordinated movement of humans by applying neurobiochemical modeling and electrophysiological signal processing. Our goal is to develop neuromusculoskeletal digital twin and offer a powerful tool for precision medicine of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders.

  1. [置顶]招生信息


    2023/03/01 Admissions Information

  2. 学术会议:2023表面肌电学术论坛


    2023/11/24 Scholarly Activities

  3. 课题组本科生于中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛机械产品数字化设计赛决赛获奖


    2023/11/19 Scholarly Activities

  4. 课题组本科生立项基本科研业务费理科基础专题优秀本科生基础研究项目


    2023/10/31 Scholarly Activities

  5. 日常活动:海边烧烤


    2023/09/24 Daily Activities

  6. 学术交流:苏州大学余嘉教授及上海交通大学姚怡飞教授来访


    2023/09/03 Scholarly Activities

  The Lab is established in July 2022. It is part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, at the Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liao Ning, China.